Haunted House goes BETA!

At the worst possible timing, just in the middle of the annual IFCOMP, my Indigo speed-if post-comp release of Haunted House enters public beta-testing phase.

This should have happened long ago, but I fell under a severe writer’s block when I was just a few paragraphs away from consider it finished. I think there is still a lot to improve, but I guess it’s time to stop the neverending polishing loop and give it a go!

All kinds of feedback are wellcome, but proofreading of my not-precisely-state-of-the-art English is the most desperately needed.

Volunteers for beta-testing will receive a link with the game website. They can play it on-line or download the z8 file and play with an ordinary interpreter and send me transcripts.

A proofreading of the accompanying booklet will also be quite appreciated!

During beta-testing the source code will also be available at the game’s site, just in case any tester feels like taking a peek into it. It is reasonable short, so it can also help proofreading.

Volunteers can contact me at rockersuke in that evil ugly thing known as hotmail or sending me a private meesage at the IF Forum.

As the whole thing is about hanging around an abandoned house It would be nice to make the final release somewhere around the upcoming Halloween, but that’s not mandatory (and we’ll have a bunch of Halloween games out there with the Ectocomp anyway 🙂 )

Thanks everybody in advance!


Haunted House under development

5 respuestas to “Haunted House goes BETA!”

  1. johanpaz Says:

    Vaya… no había visto esta entrada ni la obra.

  2. lineadura Says:

    ¡Sí! El plan era haberlo terminado antes de fin de año (del año pasado, es decir ^_^’) y de hecho los testeadores guiris hicieron un trabajo excelente para hacer del texto algo inteligible, pero como suele pasar, la vida real lo lió todo y el proyecto se quedó en el aire.
    Lo cierto es que sólo por lo bien que nos lo pasamos jugando la primera versión en el clubfloyd (por ahí anda el transcript) y el buen rollo, actitud positiva y apoyo de los testers angloparlantes no quiero que quede en el olvido, así que la nueva idea es acabarlo para cuando se cumpla el aniversario de la versión «speed-comp» (a ver si es verdad XDD)

  3. Haunted House goes BETA! | Textualiza Says:

    […] Haunted House goes BETA! […]

  4. Haunted House goes public! | La Línea Dura Says:

    […] really… five years after I announced at this very same blog that my project of a Haunted House remix was entering beta stage… it’s finally seeing […]

  5. Www.Web-Services.Ipt.Pw Says:


    Haunted House goes BETA! | La Línea Dura

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